Tried but did not succeed.

I tried my hardest not knowing what i was getting into. I wanted to be the greatest mom there was. But trial would tell i came closet to none. I sit now at home know what I've done wrong but left with empty arms. No bottles to fill as i failed my breastfeeding journey and it saddens me to my core. It's been 3days and I can still hand express just the tiniest amount. This saddens me in ways you wouldn't believe. My baby is 4months old and don't let me lie I've failed breast feeding all his life. I was misinformed under the sun to many ways to count. A lactation consultant once asked me if I needed help. To which I didnt know what to ask for couldn't even help myself.fresh baby in hand, fed perfectly from the nipple after the womb. But I was a low supplier and so needed help. That help was curse made it even worse and my baby was 80% formula 20% milk but I tried my hardest didn't quit. And 4 months later I had to let go. Breastfeeding became a joke. A bottle a day of 6oz or 4 then turned to 2. Having gone back to work I didnt know what to do. My water intake is hella lacking im dehydrated right now but that because at work i can't be slackin so here I am a sad sorry shell of my self. I wish I had time back cause now I see everything I could of done wrong and i would right them all in a heart beat. Or at least make those 3months worth it and not of constant defeat. Just needed to vent.