Why do I feel guilty?

I have a 10 1/2 month old and I’m still struggling to take care of myself. My baby is still waking up 1-3 times a night with an occasional night of sleeping through. Her napping is extremely inconsistent. She could sleep 30 minutes or up to 2 hours. I feel like I have no time to take care of myself anymore and I really thought by this point she would be sleeping though the night and taking consistent naps where I could take some time for myself, but she isn’t! I’ve gained so much weight since having her, I never have time to take care of myself at all. I’ve rescheduled eye appointments, dentist appointments, I haven’t gotten a hair cut in forever, or gotten a pedicure. I don’t remember the last time I worked out beyond just a quick walk around the block. My husband just drew me a bath with candles and brought me a glass of wine and it got me thinking...why can’t I do things for myself more often? I really wish I could find the time to take care of myself. My main problem is, when my baby goes to bed or goes down for a nap, my time goes to cleaning, because I have OCD about have a clean house. My husband has told me several times to just let the house go if it means I can take care of myself, but I can’t do it! I wish I could, but a messy house stresses me out and I’m so stressed anymore. So if I can eliminate a stressor by cleaning then that’s what I need to do. When my baby is awake, all my time and energy goes to her, as it should. Any advice on how I can let things go and start taking care of myself again? Thanks!!

I’d also like to note that we have no family around to help us, so having someone babysit while I got some things done isn’t an option.