Having A Irregular Period!!!!! Please Help!


So I’ve never in my life had a period last for 12 days. I started on the 4th of this month and I stopped all day on the 11th. Wait for it! I started back up on the 12th and then stopped again for 2 days (13th & 14th)! THEN I STARTED AGAIN ON THE 15th AND IM STILL ON! On the 29th of October I took a morning after pill but I didnt take a plan b. Can that be the cause of my issue? My period blood has been bright red,pink, purple( lavender), and black. Recently I keep seeing pink blood. I have been having nothing but light periods with no pain other than on October 30th my stomach was killing me and my back. Maybe it was an effect from the pill I don’t know. I’m very worried my period only last for 4 days! Does anyone know anything!!!