Question... -Advice Please


Just a question, sorry to bother you ladies..TMI..So I’m currently cramping and have been bleeding heavily for a couple of days with a lot of mucus and blood.. I had a MC last week per my OBGYN, I didn’t even know I was pregnant 😢🥺😔and my Obg prescribed me with Provera for 7days to reboot my cycle as he put it... is it normal to have really intense cramping with this gooey like mucus discharge after MC, I had one a couple yrs back, but don’t remember it like this.. I went to work today and my job is physical all day, I was in so much pain and just felt so weak I asked my Sgt to go home. I don’t know how to feel, I just feel numb in a way, but the cramping is there .. thank you in advance for helping💛