
Okay here it goes... son was born last June and I worked (4) days prior to birth. I wanted to be able to take (3) months off paid time! This pregnancy was easy going.

My boyfriend ended up getting a DWI (2) months into my maternity leave! Basically we got into an argument & he left the house while I was at the gym.

He hit another vehicle (nobody was injured). He ended up totaling my vehicle. He called apologizing blah blah but this was his 3rd DWI. Other two was in his early 20s and here he is now 35 with his 3rd.

Thankfully he didn’t lose his job & most of all harm anyone!

We went through fighting here and there but since he was on pre trial he was not drinking.

Well his attorney made a comment basically saying technically the drug tests do not test for alcohol.

He starts drinking again.....

When our son was 12 months he went out w/ his sister and guy friend and he gets drunk & she calls and says he’s getting kicked out & was flirting w/ another chick.

He calls me later drunk asking to be picked up... mind you I am at home w/ our son.

He ends up staying at a hotel. Next morning he comes in apologizing blah blah.., I was packing us up to leave.

Well he calls mine & his parent and is apologizing and they convince me to stay. Deep down I felt this was the breaking point and do not know why they believed his apology this time around!

Oh and he ended up getting laid off before this occurred.

Anyways this past year has been horrific and I feel so disrespected and hurt!

I just need to vent because other than our family nobody else knows!
