Bf Advice. Please read it. Ik it’s a lot

So before me and him, I was in a relationship. The guy I was in a relationship with made me feel so happy, and he unfortunately broke my heart so badly, out of no where he left me. Me and my bf now were friends for 2 or 3 years but drifted and became close again 2 weeks after my break up. We were both there for each other through both of our tough breakups. He ended up asking me if me and him could be a thing. But I didn’t know he meant dating. Because usually when someone says a thing they mean talking but not official. So I found out the next day and I honestly just went along with it. And honestly it was great, we texted a lot I believe. And called on the phone, we would fall asleep sometimes. But a month later it kind of changed. He wouldn’t call, but he said it was cause of his dad which I believe. But now he is acting different and seems to not spend time with me as much. I feel like it’s so much different now. (he isn’t cheating, he isn’t the type and I just know he wouldn’t) Me and him see each other in school, but it seems like he kind of treats me the same that he doesn’t with his girl friends. And I am not the jealous type, he can talk to whomever he wants. But I tried to tell him how I feel and Idk if he really cares or not. Idk what to do and what I want rn. I don’t want to leave him, but I just wish I could get more attention. I love when a boy gives a girl there attention and comforts them, etc. But he told me he just isn’t that type of person which I understand, but it just sucks. If you read this thank you, and please give me advice. :)