My parents don't like my boyfriend.


My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3 years now (since senior year of highschool) and my parents still haven't warmed up to him.

For the first 2 years, my dad would constantly tell me how much he didn't like my boyfriend, how he thought he was a loser, and how he didn't expect me to date someone like him. Now he occasionally reminds me of those things and provides snarky comments.

My mom always provides snarky remarks whenever she wants, and expects him to bend over backwards for me. But when his parents want me to do the same, she feels offended.

We have been long distance for most of our relationship, but every time I go back home, I'm always anxious to talk to my parents about hanging out with him. I hate hearing them talk about him the way they do.

I feel like I cannot say much because I live under their household. Sometimes I feel like I can't deal with them anymore.

Am I wrong for feeling this way? I've never really opened up with them about him. The first time I told them we started dating, they were both angry at me. My dad said I wasn't ready, and my mom told me I should've waited, and talked to them about it before I said yes to being his girlfriend. She cried, gave me a scenario where he was a jerk, told me I could tell him to fuck off.

I cannot open up to either of them, and all I want to do is tell them how happy he makes me. But i know I can't do that without them saying something terrible about him. Please help me figure out a way to get through this.