i don't know what's going on..

We've been married for 3 years... I've never seen him or felt him like this.

I hopped into the shower & left him watching our son while he slept. I got out & it was his turn. When he got out , he was a whole different person. He was quiet & hardly even looked at me.

i asked him if he was good & he said yes & proceeded to grab our son. He was serious for 5-10 minutes. i went to the kitchen & came back & again, i asked him if he was okay, he kinda ignored me & then he was like " Yeah. "

he played with our son & when my baby got hungry, my husband just turned his back & stared at the walll... I asked what was on his mind & again, he said nothing. Idk what's going on. idk if he's ok. I'vr never seen him like this. 😞