Baby Fever! Help!!!!

I have had this extreme baby fever for months, and I cant shake it. I'm 21 years old. But I have watched boh my older and younger sister struggle from teenage pregnancies. Financially, emotionally, ect. I have 4 nieces and 4 nephews. I know what midnight feedings feel like. And constant crying. The coughs and tantrums. I'm an extremely envolved aunt and have been for 8 years. I was taking my oldest niece for weekends with me at 14. 
My point here is I know how hard having a baby is (as much as I can without having a child of my own). Everyone around me already has a baby or is about to. And I cant shake the baby fever. I know it's hard. I know it's expensive. But I still want a baby.
Help me shake this baby fever with your personal horror stories 😩😂👍🏼