Reconnecting With Our Husbands


Okay, it’s obvious that we’re struggling to connect with our husbands again. The exact reason why we’re going through this... who the hell knows!!

I mean, my husband purposefully started a fire pit in our garage yesterday next to saw dust and chemicals but... who knows why we struggle😂😂😂

I wanted to share with everyone something I’ve found helpful in the past, and may even try again soon. I had a professor in communications as a friend show me this list of questions. They’re designed to help you fall in love with someone. But; really it’s more like create a deeper connection. I’ve done it with friends and with my husband. I feel that it works.

It seems totally silly to sit there and ask each other questions. But once you get past the awkwardness, it’s kind of fun!

It’s called 36 questions designed to make you fall in love with anyone.

Some are lighthearted some are deep. You don’t have to do all of them.

Again, it’s awkward being like “let’s interview each other!” 😂 but maybe make it a date thing? Over a nice at home dinner while baby is asleep. My husband and I did it sitting on his truck tailgate drinking beer. Whatever makes it comfortable for you both!

Let me know if you try it! And I hope this might help some of us💕