Help !!!!! So confused

So basically I have just gone through a cycle of <a href="">ivf</a>. I started bleeding really bad 2 days before my test date, really heavy and clots (sorry tmi). I took a test and cane back with a faint line and then i took one the following morning on my test day and got another line the same. I called the clinic who told me to go to the early pregnancy unit. They took a urine and said negative and took a blood to be sure as my tests had lines. They said they wouldn’t call if it was negative and I never got the phone call :(. I have been heart broken over this but slowly getting myself together. Was there something actually there or was this just evap lines. Also I’ve been having sore boobs since and slight cramping ever since ( this happened about 2 weeks ago) I keep feeling like I’m pregnant but think it’s just the hormones leaving my body and don’t want to get my hopes up when I know the answer :(.