How much longer can someone have “hope” for ?


So I know I’m in my early 20s and I have enough time as people say. But I was diagnosed with pcos and endometriosis - I had laparoscopic surgery to remove the endometriosis and it’s been 3 months since then. Im still not pregnant and I don’t understand🥺. I been taking organic maca root pills which is very good for hormonal balance which im taking for Pcos and taking serrapeptase which is an enzyme that removes scar tissue which is what endometriosis is. Still nothing not positive pregnancy test. I know I ovulate because I feel it and I know which side is releasing the egg that month, I have sex when I’m ovulating, and I have regular cycles. Like what else must I do or can I do? How much longer can someone have hope? I just want a family of my own. I was thinking about buying conception fertility prenatal vitamins. Anyone have any tips or anything helpful?