I'm PUPO! *Updated*

Kayla • 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 > 🇺🇸 Married since November '17. Male Factor Infertility. IVF round 1. BFP! 👶🏻 girl due August 2020! 💞


I just got the call from my first beta and my HCG is 85! The nurse said at this point they expect anything between 50 -100 so I'm happy with that. 🙂

As of 2pm today I'm PUPO! My embryo had 100% cell survival at defrost and the doctor said it looked really good, he also said the transfer couldn't have gone any better!

I go back for a blood test on 11/27. Please keep your fingers crossed for me! 🤞