Leave him?


I'm getting really fed up. I've been with my bf for 4 months now which is really long for me because I tend to get cold feet and break up after a couple months.

We share hardly any similar views and opinions which I thought was interesting at first but now it's hurting me. I have a faith and respect religion as im one of those people that need it in order to find meaning in being here which he doesn't understand, he's incredibly atheist and is very harsh with his views.

He makes me feel stupid alot of the time for little things like getting the wrong time for an appointment or bus. He says I'm sheltered because I'm cautious around dangerous things like cooking with a large amount of oil (deep frying) on a gas hob and because I don't know alot of gang slang we have in NI. I've never felt belittled like this but it's now abuse, I understand he just doesn't get me but I know he's falling in love with me and I would be too if he wasn't so harsh.

He's so lovely and affectionate to me but there are times that I want to leave him - like now. I know I get cold feet and that's why I've overlooked these issues but I need another's take on my situation.

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