Advice about friend


This is long! I'll give you a little backstory first.

A few weeks ago my 2 year old went to her well child checkup and got a routine lead test. It is mandatory in our state. We live in a house built in 1830 but it has been remodeled So we get her results back and it is at a 6 which they said is higher than they like to see. I had no idea where it was coming from and I started getting everything tested to figure out the source. In the meantime I called my friend to tell her because they live in a very old house too and she has a 2 year old as well. I know what high lead levels can do to a child and I figured I would tell her in case her daughter hadn't gotten the test. She doesn't bring her child for well child checkups at all. She is pretty natural minded and tends to avoid doctors. Which that is her call. I don't agree with it but if that's what she wants to do, fine. Well in regards to this lead thing she acted like I was being a spaz for getting her tested. She acted like it was totally unnecessary. We were chatting about well child checkups and I said I think they are really important because for instance, this lead thing-how and when would I have found out about it if I hadn't gotten the routine test? Another mom I know has a 3 year old with leukemia and she said she so regrets not getting her child checkups because it could have been caught sooner. Anyway so as we're talking she said she doesn't want to bring her child to the Dr because it might give her more fear. She said "I don't want to hear a list of what's wrong with my child" then later in the conversation she said "if something's wrong with my child I would rather not know" and then she said "pretty much we don't want to go to the Dr unless we're basically dying"

I'm sorry but all this did not sit well with me! We are very close friends. I don't want to ruin our friendship. But I'm struggling because i can't believe she actually said she wouldn't want to know if something was wrong with her child! She acted like I was being neurotic and weird for bringing my child to the Dr! Does anyone have ideas to go about this? My husband says to let it go. But I mean, who doesn't care enough about their child to get preventative care? Should I approach her about it or let it go? I literally feel differently about her because of this and I hate it.