Second time mom worries


I posted on here a month or so ago about feeling anxious and scared with having another baby. I was afraid my 2 year old son was going to have a hard time with all the changes and didn’t want him to feel like he’d been replaced.

I had my daughter on 11/14. At the hospital he wanted no part in his baby sister. Anytime anyone would get close with her or we’d ask him if he wanted to see her he’d scream “NO!” That didn’t help ease my worries.

We came home on 11/16 and in just the few days we’ve been home he’s absolutely surprised me. Every day he warms up more and more to her. He’ll go pat her head or give her her binky. Today he held her hand, gave her knuckles, stuck her bottle in her mouth and even gave her a big kiss on the head. All completely unprompted. He even snuggled up to her last night on the couch and fell asleep with her.

I wanted to share just in case anyone else is having the same worries about bringing a new baby home to a toddler. I’m not saying it’s been a perfect dream since we’ve been home but I feel like I stressed out for 9 months over a whole lot of nothing. I hope everyone else in a similar situation experiences the same.❤️