How to Feel be Satisfied Masturbating

Baby Bear 🐻💖

For reference my husband is a sex 1-2 times a week kind of guy. I’m a sex 1-2 times a day kind of girl. Totally fine lol... can hurt my feelings sometimes but people don’t really get to choose their sex drives.

Anyways... I masturbate the times he doesn’t want to have sex. The thing is I don’t feel as satisfied solo as I do with him. I read porn and use a vibrator on my clit... every now and then I’ll use some kind of toy internally but I find it hard for me to enjoy penetration all that much without a partner (doesn’t turn me on to put a cold toy ensued myself and usually hurts a bit no matter how wet or turned on I am or how much lube I use... and the toy I use inside is smaller than my husbands penis lol so size isn’t the problem) so it’s typically external stimulation. And don’t get me wrong I still have great orgasms solo...

But I just don’t feel as satisfied afterwards... idk if it’s the lack of a partner or the lack of penetration/internal stimuli. If anyone experiences this or has tips they’d be very welcome!