
So. Before I say anything, I dont regret anything 😂🤙

Okay, I don't want to tell many people and have to explain myself. But I needed to share this with someone lol.

Alrighty. Last Sunday my boyfriend of a year broke up with me. Before I say more. We arent officially broken up, more like a break. He is a confused teenage boy, it be like that sometimes. I've been really upset over it, crying, puking, you name it..until today.

He has been taking me to school and back lately because I crashed my car and had nobody else (hes been very sweet) Anyways. Today he picked me up and we ended up staying in his car in the parking lot for almost 4 hours talking. We ended up skipping our first class, then he took me over to my second. Then all of the sudden we started making out. I can tell he misses me. And then somehow I ended up sucking his dick (willingly, not because he is using me I promise) THEN after my class he picked me up to take me home. Long story short, we ended up fucking in my shower 😂 (hottest sex of my life oml)

I know what you're thinking. He is just using me, and I know why you would think that but I promise🤞 that's not how it is.

If you read this thanks for reading lol. I just really needed to share.

Ps:I'm very happy about everything that happened