Is it normal? Brown bleeding, tear near sac, 6wks1day

Sarah-Jayne • 🇦🇺PCOS•31•💙👶 Edwin Lewis born 13/07/20•

Hi everyone. When I woke up this morning I wasn't expecting to make this post. So me and my husband have been TTC for over 2 years. At the beginning of January I was diagnosed with PCOS so I drastically changed my diet and managed to lose 28kgs. I've had two miscarriages (one July one August) so my positiveness was down. I've been feeling a bit out of wack lately and I've been bleeding brown discharge/spotting/blood for about a week and a half now. This afternoon I had a follow up specialist appointment and so when I woke up I thought "let's take a test". It was mostly as a joke, I didn't expect such a strong positive test!!! Me and my husband are thrilled. Luckily I already had a specialist appointment so we did a scan and I'm about 6weeks 1 day, give or take a few days as my cycle is irregular. I also heard my babies heart beat!! 🥰

However we found a tear next to the sac which would explain the Brown bleeding. My question is, can I still have a healthy pregnancy? I'm quite concerned judging from my history of miscarriages.

I've been prescribed progesterone as well.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Also can anyone help my out with a due date? "Due date calenders" won't give a date unless you know the date of my last period but it was awhile ago. I'm 6wks1day if anyone can help me.

Thank you so much xx 🥰