
Chelsee • 💕

I’m 8 weeks pregnant and I just have to say, I’m EXHAUSTED. My back already hurts, the nausea is killer. I’m hungry ALL the time, even after I’ve just eaten. I am so excited to have this baby, I’ve wanted him/her for SO long but oh my gosh. I never realized pregnancy was so HARD. Seriously wondering how anyone does this more than once because I’m miserably happy. 😂 There are SO MANY things that come with pregnancy that you don’t find out about until after you’re pregnant, and I’m having trouble adjusting. On the bright side, my fiancé has started turning our spare bedroom into a nursery and I’m so excited to be able to buy furniture and start painting and decorating!

This is before, this room has pretty much been our storage room because it’s needed a lot of work

This awful wallpaper 😂 also the previous owners put drywall on top of drywall 😖

The new ceiling fan and the beginning of insulating the walls better!

We found hardwood flooring under the nasty stained carpet that used to be there

The beginning of our new walls!

And the darker color on the right is the new flooring!!

This process has already been incredibly long and there’s still a ton to do but it’s coming along so nicely! Our baby is going to have a better room than we do 😂🥰