My heart hurts


My baby girl turned one on the 15th and it didn’t phase me. I was excited for her to graduate to toddlerhood and honestly Ever since my husband got the zero sperm count rests after his vasectomy we’ve been celebrating the fact that I’m done with that phase of life (3 kids. Stick a fork in me because I’m done) but I watched a tv show where the lady had a stillborn and so I watched videos of my baby girl from last year and now my heart absolutely aches. I don’t miss that time period of my life for my own sake (ugh the mastitis, the night wakings, the anxiety, the stuck to the couch routine etc) but I absolutely miss my baby sage and I’m wishing I could go back in time and feel her warm newborn snuggles on my chest for just an hour or so. I miss my newborn and now I’m sad 😔