Finishing TOO fast

maria • 💞

Sooo me and this guy have had sex twice. The first time he finished in around a couple minutes. The second time he finished UNDER a minute all four times. Seriously. I’ve never had a partner that could stay hard after finishing so many times. He could’ve gone for a fifth buuuut I honestly got pretty tired of it lol 😬

He apologized for it and I told him not to ever apologize for feeling good but in the back of my mind I’m feeling like a used sex doll lmao idk. I was on top every time and I tried taking it slow. There was one point where we were kissing and I was giving him a handjob (wow sorry if this is graphic 😂) and after not even five seconds he grabbed my hand and said “woahh” like he was about to finish just from that.

At first this made me feel confident like I’m doing something right, but after the fact I’m feeling kinda really bad about it. He never reciprocated. I honestly got no enjoyment other than the first five seconds of being on top lol. So basically I wanna know.. what can I do differently next time (if there is a next time) and do you all think this might be a red flag? I’m getting some weird obsessed vibes from him.

Thank you for listening - I’ve been needing to rant about this for weeks 😂💗