If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry


I love my daughter with all that I am, but becoming a mom has been the single most difficult thing I have ever done. From pregnancy, to giving birth, to now caring for a newborn has changed me in so many ways. I am typically a very positive and optimistic person, but its becoming harder to remain happy and upbeat when my LO is crying for half the day (leap 2 yay!) I am with her 24/7 and even when my hubby is home if she is having a meltdown only I am able to settle her. I breastfeed her, I change her diapers, I play with her, I bath her, I read her bedtime stories, I put her to bed, I check on her when she’s fussy, etc.

I know it will get easier, but for now I have to remind myself to laugh daily and enjoy the time I have with her!