Potential dairy allergy 😫


I’ve had my suspicions basically since he was born. He spat up ALOT between months 2 and 7. Like we couldn’t even sit him up or hold him up right without getting soaked with spit up throughout the day. His ped marked it off as GERD and gave an antacid. This helped alittle, but not all. So i figured he was just a spitter like my mom said i was. His poops would occasionally be runny and mucusy, and he has always had was sounds to be congestion in the back of his nostrils. And recently the amount of bowel movements had increased from 1 a day to about 5+ 😳

Again, since he was showing no signs of pain his ped said it’s probably just the solids I’m adding and he should adjust.

Welp on Sunday he pooped blood. I had fed him a lot of dairy that day. Cottage cheese, shredded cheese, yogurt, and formula to top it all off. This time his ped’s ears perked up and decided we probably should go through with a blood draw to test for a dairy allergy. Which he did surprisingly well.

Although i would hate for him to me allergic to milk it would be nice to have some validation that I’m not crazy 😂