Sleep training ... ish


Okay so babe was getting up every hour demanding to be held. Well, I never wanted to train him but he kind of left me no choice. I work, and hubby travels.

My first goal was to get him to settle without a pick up. So he got up around 11 and I patted and shushed and sang and he settled at 12:20.

The next night he woke up at 2, same deal, settled by 2:30.

The next night he stirred a little once, I patted, he went back to sleep.

It was amazing. This was huge progress, he had literally been getting up 6-12 times a night before this. So even the first night was progress.

Then the next night it was like none of this happened. He was up from 11-2 trying different things to get me to pick him up, sometimes so near settling then deciding to give it a fight all over again.

The next night same as previous.

What the hell? Help! It’s still better than before, but I’m feeling like an asshole. Why has the progress stopped?! 😫

One thing I forgot to say was I’ve been sleeping in there basically for my own comfort since I can comfort him from an air mattress we have set up temporarily for this purpose.