
Hi, first and foremost, no hate please. If you have nothing nice to say, please go on about your day. I’m 17 and i am very insecure about my weight. i weigh anywhere between 85lbs - 92lbs, it fluctuates. Not only am i having trouble gaining weight, i am having trouble finding my apetite a lot of times. Many foods i used to eat, with no problem, disgust me now for literally no reason. just the thought of eating some of those things makes me gag. (sausage, for example, i used looove sausage. now the smell makes me want to vomit) I have tried making a weight gain journal and tracking my calorie intake (i tried 5 meals a day at 500+ calories per meal = 2500 cal per day for 2 weeks. Which should have resulted in rapid weight gain, it did not. my weight just fluxuated like normal) i have tried meal prepping/planning. i have tried just eating and eating until i can’t anymore but none of it is helping. i’m sick of feeling like a skeleton and seeing a skeleton in the mirror. i want to feel beautiful and i don’t want to be made fun of for being too skinny anymore. not only do i want that, i want to be and feel healthy. if anyone else has been through this, or something similar, please comment and tell me what i can do, or tell me if i need to see a doctor. i just want to get better. i will include some photos, please no judgement. thank you in advance!

notice how prominent my ribs are ☹️