Most embarrassing day of my life


So im a type 2 diabetic and my doctor wanted to start me on a new medication to help get my numbers in a much better range. I google the medication look at side effects and all sorts if things to mentally and physically prepare myself for whats to come. I took it Sunday mind you only a little bit of the medicine actually made it into my system as i pulled out the self injection pen before all the medication was injected. Also im currently on my cycle. Sunday night i start experiencing symptoms like nausea and diarrhea but i say its my cycle and ignore it not thinking it could be the new meds. Monday i have really bad stomach pains and i call out of work again thinking its my period. I take an ibuprofen 800mg and knock out. I attempted to eat some pizza and wind up in the bathroom. I shrug it off like maybe too greasy and it had pepperoni and i hardly ever eat pork. Tuesday im feeling all types of nauseous and overall sickly but i shrug it off and go to work (gotta love audit season) i eat some white rice and beans and feel fine a little stomach discomfort but nothing horrible. We had a celebration for one of our coworkers who had a birthday. I ate a little bit of food and had a small slice of cake and had a cup of gingerale. I used the bathroom and took my old meds. Then about 3 hours after i ate some rice as i was hungry. I use the bathroom right before i leave to go home. I get home all is ok im exhausted and extremely nauseous. I fall asleep in hopes of sleeping it off. I wake up at 3 am use the bathroom and im really nauseous. I eat a slice of bread in hopes it will help my stomach nope i then drink some peptobismol and it helps. I lay down but nope that all to familiar feeling comes up. I gotta vomit. My sister is now up getting ready and the bucket isbtrapped in the bathroom i knock on the door to ask forbthe bucket and as soon as the door opens i projectile vomit on the floor door and her legs. Im so embarrassed. She took it like a champ. Now im currently laying in bed shivering trying not to vomit again and get some rest. Being diabetic and taking new meds sucks. Im debating calling out again since we have an audit today at work.