
so my good friend had a miscarriage in late September and got a BFP on Monday (11/18) Got her levels checked that day and it was only 6.3. Positive they said. But could be leftover HCG from miscarriage (possibly) last two days has gotten suuuper faint lines on pink dye strips. The first positive on the 18th was a clear blue test... (I’ll attach pics)

So today (Wednesday) she got her blood drawn again and it was 6.5. Her PCP said it likely is NOT leftover from miscarriage as it is rising a bit, and could be just super early or will not result in pregnancy... those numbers do seem low. Has anyone else experienced anything similar and had a viable pregnancy?? Thanks!

She’s freakin our having to wait two more weeks to draw blood again. Don’t blame her

This pink dye one was taken AFTER the clear blue on the 19th or 20th