Tell me I’m not crazy

Olivia 💙💖💙

So last night I took a blue dye test(I know not the best idea) within the first minute I saw a BFP. The fact that I took it at night AND I barely peed enough to saturate it made me really think that the line I was seeing was real and not a false positive like people say these tests seem to give.

Took a Walmart 88 cent test this morning and pretty sure I saw nothing within the first 5-8 mins. Went back just now and can see a line that seems to have some color. Granted it was more like 30 mins after. But I’ve read reviews of people saying that these tests take a lot longer to process and even after time frame they say positive and it’s legit. So idk what to think. My body tells me I’m pregnant but there are so many mixed reviews of both of these tests that i don’t want to get my hopes up. So please honest opinions on if these look like positives!

Last night blue dye

This morning 88 cent