Weird breastfeeding question 🤔

Tiffany 💙👼🏼💙

So my 5 week old has been seeming like he isn’t getting full enough off of my milk. I know I’m producing enough, but every time he eats he just keeps on eating sometimes for 20 + minutes or until he falls asleep. I always let him de latch on his own, but he has been super fussy the past few days and every time I offer the boob he acts like he’s been starving even if he just ate 10 minutes prior. He’s also been spitting up more than usual so I’m afraid he’s over eating and just not getting full for some reason. So my question is, does anyone know of anything I can include in my diet to make my milk more “filling”? Like a quality over quantity type thing lol. We see his pediatrician tomorrow and I’m gonna bring it up, but I didn’t know if any of you ladies have gone through the same type of thing.