Feeling scared of having another heartbreak


My husband and I have been TTC since January of this year. My husband suffered an accident in May right before our trip to Paris. I wanted to have a baby so bad, almost obsessed with the idea. While in Paris I became extremely ill and thought it had to do with the long travel. My husband asked me to take a pregnancy test just to be safe. I was positive that it would be negative but decided to take one anyway as we walked to see the Eiffel Tower. Halfway there I checked the pregnancy test and it was positive. I was overcome with joy, what a great way to find out. I thought to myself what a blessing after a rough month this is the greatest gift. Once back in the US, I followed up with my Doctor to get official confirmation and due date. We told our parents and siblings, everyone was of course ecstatic. A week later it was my worst nightmare, I was suffering a miscarriage and there was nothing to be done. There was no explanation or reasoning why this happened which makes it hard to make peace with it. I often wonder if there was something I did, ate or could have done/not done to prevent this from happening. We are still TTC in an optimistic yet very fearful way.