
Lindsey • Mama to Sunshine Boy 💙👦🏻 Sunrise Boy 💙 👶🏻 3 angels babies 👼🏻👼🏻👼🏻

We just suffered a miscarriage October 29th. After trying to conceive our second child for a year, we were incredibly elated that we finally found out we were expected again. This pregnancy ended in a miscarriage and I am absolutely devastated... I’ve been emotionally eating so much I look like I am pregnant and it’s just making it all so much worst for me. This whole situation has been a complete mind fuck for me. I am scared to try again, I am scared that’s it’s going to take another year to get pregnant again, I am scared to that we will miscarry again.💔😭 When we found out we were pregnant we we’re just starting the fertility specialist route, we had gone to see an RE, and the initial appt he couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary from the blood work my OB has already run. We decided to go back to my OB and try again with another round of Leterzole and see where that takes us. I’m just in such a dark spot, sometimes I feel like I am come out of this and then I sucked back down in. And I don’t know how to get out of this. I want to talk about my miscarriage and getting pregnant all the time. I feel like that is all I want to talk about, and it’s eating me alive. And I just feel like I am the only one. Even though I know I am certainly not.💔💔 this is a horrible thing that we go through.