I Swear to God!!! She pisses me off!!!!

I am so Fucking heated right now! I'm 25, I'm raising my child, I pay rent, she owes me more money than she could ever afford to pay back and she still wants to treat me like I'm fucking 5!! So my friend comes over and I worn my mother that my friend is stopping by after their shift a whole 2hours before they arrive. We sit in the living room and watch tv we arent loud we are hardly talking just enjoying eachother's company and I get two texts "come here" what is your friend doing here late.(its 9pm) my friend gets off work at 8 and brought food over. Make sure they leave before 1am. (First of all they always do and second of all I'm not 5 I don't need to be told what to do)

My friend leaves at 11 on the dot and I get another text "come here" we arent gonna have the same disrespectful relationship that your cousin does with my sister. Dont dismiss me when I say this it's not back and forth it's the middle of the week and at this Time ppl want to be winding down they dont want no one just sitting up in the living room.

Now I have 3 problems with this bullshit. I warned her ahead of time if she didnt want my friend over why not say that shit BEFORE they came over!?!?!?! Why wait til after they get here to start bullshit!?!?!

Number 2 it's not like we were loud or making noise we didnt interact or bother her in anyway. So the problem is what!?!?!

Number 3 she's downstairs cooking dinner at Fuckin 11:30pm and has a problem because "at this time ppl are winding down" Fuckin bullshit!!!!!

Update: To all of you saying save up move out. I have been and it's not that black and white.

To the woman saying im acting like a child. That statement is completely false there is a certain level of respect she should have for a grown ass woman period. I pay rent and I provide my own child care. If I was anywhere else paying rent this behavior would be unacceptable so why should it be tolerated here.

And for those of you asking for the gender it doesnt matter what they identify as. She as an adult shouldve spoken up prior to my company coming over that would've fixed whatever the problem was.