Traveling far for Thanksgiving?

ali • Beautiful 👶 boy born 4/11/17 via FET #1 after TTC for 4 yrs. Baby girl born 2/15/20 via FET #2. 💙 Pregnant with #3 naturally, due April '24!

I will be 30 weeks next week and still don't know if we will make the 6+ hr car ride to visit family for Thanksgiving. My doctor said I'm clear to travel but obviously told me to do what feels best. My husband is a nervous wreck about preterm labor even though I'm low risk and this is my 2nd. I want to go, but the thought of packing and traveling all that distance while large and with a 2.5 yr old has me exhausted... ugh. I know the trip will probably be more like 8 hrs after all the stops we will need to make. Oh and we always house hop each night so essentially unpack and repack over and over, sometimes sleeping on an air mattress! What are you all doing?? My family will definitely guilt trip me if we don't go. ☹