What is a Withdrawal Bleed and Did I Have One?

Kelly • Mama to 1

Was on BC for about 8-9 years (switching kinds many times).

Stopped in September. Had a regular period in September and October.

Then two weeks after day 1 of my period in October I had another bleed for 5 days, which felt like a regular period but not as heavy flow and not as bad cramping.

According to this app I haven’t had sex during any of my fertility windows, although I was close.

I was due for a period this week that hasn’t come.

We are technically TTC now but just started.

So far negative pregnancy tests.

Thoughts about what could be going on here?

My doctor was confused. She checked my cervix, said all looks good. She said to wait and see what happens but I’m like weeeeell am I pregnant? 🤷🏼‍♀️ Did I have a “Withdrawal Bleed”? Do I have hormone imbalance?

All opinions welcome 😊