Something I wrote before bed 🧡🧡


Other than the obvious of having an extra child in the house, I've figured out the difference between being a mom of two versus one.

Being a mom of one meant I needed a cup or two of coffee every morning.

Being a mom of two means I reheat my single cup of coffee 11 times before 8am when I actually get to drink it.

Being a mom of one meant I had to wait until my child was sleeping to shower.

Being a mom of two means it'll be a few days before I remember that I need one and then itll take a lot of help from my fiancé and patience to actually be able to take one.

Being a mom of one meant that I had to sleep when my baby slept.

Being a mom of two means I sleep when I can manage to get both of my kids down at the same time and fall asleep before the baby wakes up again in half an hour to nurse

Being a mom of one meant that we ate a lot of take out.

Being a mom of two means I forget to eat until dinner time most days.

Being a mom of one meant I got alone time with my fiancé when someone would graciously babysit our colicky girl.

Being a mom of two means I get alone time with my fiancé for a few minutes in the car when our kids both fall asleep on a trip to visit Grandma because no one wants to babysit two kids under three.

Being a mom of one meant that I didn't get invited to things anymore.

Being a mom of two means I usually only leave the house if I absolutely need to.

Being a mom of one meant getting advice that wasn't asked for.

Being a mom of two means everyone assumes that I remember everything from my first and they dont understand why I'm so overwhelmed.

Being a mom of one meant being tired.

Being a mom of two means being exhausted beyond relief or repair.

Being a mom of one meant an impaired sex life.

Being a mom of two means it doesn't exist.


Being a mom of two means twice the love,

twice the giggles,

twice the cuddles,

and twice the joy.

Being a mom of two means two people who will call me mommy,

who will draw me pictures of green crayon colored kitties,

and who will ask me to sit on the floor and play with toys with them.

Being a mom of two means I get to kiss twice as many ouchies,

brush two heads of hair and two sets of teeth,

kiss two foreheads goodnight,

and snuggle two babies before bed.

Being a mom of one was hard but beautiful.

Being a mom of two is harder, but even more indescribably amazing.

It's hard to imagine having room in your heart for more than the first little one you love so deeply..but your heart doesn't run out of space, it makes room.