He makes me feel like a shitty wife

If I don't have the house spotless or all the clothes done and put away, he has some snide remark to say I'm lazy. If I ask him to bath one out of the two children we have, I'm a lazy mom. If instead of making a huge supper I want to make something small for each person, I'm lazy. Last night after me going to bed, after dinner and showering my oldest for school the next morning I decided to lay down at 8pm. Not unusual right now since I'm having a real hard time with this third pregnancy. I have physical therapy 3x a week, two children to take care of 24/7, and other things. I'm a SAHM but not because I chose to or want to but because it's what makes the most sense right now. I've asked to get a job and he refuses to put our one youngest in daycare. I don't have family around here to help so I have no other choice. At 11:44pm he comes in there after drinking some sort of beer and says take a shower with me. Mind you I haven't been sleeping and the only time I do is when he's not in bed, I said no and in an angry like tone for being woke up. He proceeds to tell me that I don't love him and I don't satisfy him anymore. I just feel so lost and shit.