Meat substitutes?

I’m a massive meat lover, to the point that I cannot have a meal without meat (it’s bad). I recently started dieting, or shall I say a lifestyle change and was hoping for some help.

Whilst I don’t know whether I can completely give meat up yet, I’ve been on a diet for 8 days now where I’ve eaten a lot of prawns, fish, veg, quorn sausage and I love them. It made me think and I was wondering what other meat substitutes are out there and the vegetarian options that I have in general really.

I hated vegetables but recently been incorporating peppers, mushroom, spring onions, garlic, green beans etc into my diet and love it.

What sites can I look on that can help and how can I keep this motivation going? I’ve not been this motivated for at least 2 years. I’ve always started and quit in two days but as of today I am on day 8 and lost 6lbs already. Any tips/advice would be great. Thank you 😊