To induce or not??


So I've had hyperemesis all the way through this pregnancy. I'm now 33+1 weeks. On Wednesday at my last midwives appointment I had ketones +3, some protein, leukocytes ect in my urine. She then measures my tummy and says it's only measuring at 29 weeks when I should be 32+5. So i know the drill and i can see the look on her face that she wants me to go to hospital, again. I had a private 4d scan only 2 weeks before and I was told the baby was measuring 4lb 1oz and is on average 12 days a head. I told her this but she said they are not specifically trained, which I do get. The midwives said she also wanted me to have a growth scan booked via them for the day after. So off to hospital i went. I had a bag of fluids, some antisickness injection in my back side, and baby was put on a monitor as I'd been having some tightenings for weeks that initially started like braxton hicks but got painful and regular at time but only for up to an hour then they would stop, they were also brought on more from moving about. So why I was on the monitor I had a tightening which they said was pretty big so they wanted check my cervix and swab me whilst there. Thankfully my cervix is still closed. The day after I had my scan but baby babies head was so low down they couldn't get a measurement but took measurements of every where else. The consultant said afterwards that although they couldn't measure baby's head which reduces the size accuracy of the scan the baby looks to be doing good and is around 4lb 6. He wants to rescan me in 4 weeks to be sure. But he did state that I cant go on keep losing weight and vomiting all the time as my health is getting worse even though the baby is ok. So he offered to induce me early for my sake and said I could give him an answer when he sees me next after the next scan. I honestly don't know what to do!! He did give me some more antisickness tablets and wants me to double them up bit nothing has worked for me, but even IV antisickness or the injections, I get a few hours relief maybe a day from physical vomiting but the nausea remains no matter what. Some days i keep a meal down and all fluids, and other days I keep nothing down. I feel like if I take the induction it would be for my own selfish reasons and I could end up regretting it as inductions can be very long and drawn out. However I know by the time of my next scan I might not even have the option because the decision could be taken out my hands if the hyperemesis starts to effect the babies growth. Which at that point obviously I will gladly follow medical advise. I've never had to be induced before and this is my 2nd baby. I don't even know what to expect really. I certainly don't want to do it a few days before christmas and be stuck in hospital on christmas day, if they offered me a day just after christmas I would consider it but I've still not made my mind up. it's a hard choice. I do feel awful though and look like crap!