Germs and anxiety

I have a problem with vomit big time. Especially when flu season and stomach flu comes around. If I hear someone has been sick or is sick and they’re around me my heart starts to race and I get really jittery and can’t breath. My stomach starts to hurt and I don’t eat for the rest of the day and all I want to do is go shower. Now it has become a problem with every sickness. I can’t seem to get it out of my head. I constantly have to wash my hands and then I still don’t feel clean. I feel that it has gotten worse since I had my daughter 2 years ago. I feel like it is effecting my relationship because it is hard to explain it to my husband and he seems irritated by it

I am volunteering at a event for my work on Sunday and all I can think about is calling off and saying something happened because  there will be over 400 people and all I can think about is trying not to get sick. I am really struggling this year with this.