Why are people so rude!

If it’s not enough trying to deal with your body constantly changing—one of my patients today asked me if I was pregnant because “ya know some girls just have a belly😂” and when I proceeded to say yes and she asked me when I was due (I’m 28 weeks today-due on Valentine’s Day) her response was- “oh wow-you have a long way to go, you’re going to be big.”

Wow. Thanks. I already feel huge. I lost 45lbs 2 years ago and felt amazing, then had hip surgery this past February and gained 15lbs while I couldn’t walk...and then was blessed to get pregnant literally 3 weeks after I was finally cleared to start running again. As much as I would love to have gotten back down to my weight prior to surgery, I’ve gained another 23lbs since becoming pregnant.

I’m probably just overly hormonal today😂 but seriously. Why do people feel the need to tell you that you’re too big!!!