
🦄 Anonymous 🦄

I need some advice ladies. I have an 8 yo daughter. Her father and I are not together and have not been together for most of her life. I left because he was abusive in every way possible. Physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, etc. He has visitation rights with our daughter every week. She told me she had asked her dad on two different occasions why we were no longer together and he gave her a different answer both times. The first time he told her that he joked around with me and I couldnt deal with the jokes. The second time he told her that I was mean to him and that I didnt like him. She's now asking me why we are no longer together because she feels like her father isn't being honest due to the different answers he's given her. I don't even know what to say to her. I knew this day would come but I'm not prepared. I don't want to lie to her but I also don't want to hurt her with the truth. I asked her if I could have some time to gather my thoughts and be able to explain things to her the best way possible. She is aware of certain things when it comes to her father. He talks about me negatively to her. That he can't stand me or being around me. Things that she tells me are hurtful to her so I dont want to talk negatively about him. But I also don't want to allow him to change her view of me because of lies. I really need advice.