Coat in car seat?!


What does everyone do for wearing coats in a car seat? We live in Wisconsin and it’s been in the 20s and 30s and only dropping from here. I’ve been warming up the car before we go in, putting baby in booties, a hat, and mittens, then I carry her to the car wrapped in a blanket. I leave all of that on in the car seat then snuggle her in the blanket. When we run errands I have a winter coat that I put on right before we head outside. Then I take it off again before I buckle her in. What is everyone else doing? I feel like there has to be a simpler way. Or maybe a thin enough coat that can stay in in the car seat? But again, if it’s a light jacket that won’t really keep her warm and I’ll need to use a blanket it out w winter coat over it again.