I've decided to give my baby up for adoption

I'm on my fourth baby, 6th pregnancy, although it wasn't planned, it just happened, and my baby had just turned 1, and my other two are 6 and 4, well my older two have a wonderful daddy, my son and unborns dad became a monster, we tried to make our relationship work for our second baby (he was never there for our son) so he got a better job, financed a bigger vehicle for us, rented a nice big house for us and gave us everything.. until of course.. I stopped seeing my family, I stopped talking to friends, I never left the house, I don't cut my hair and can't wear piercings or black clothes.. because he started to not trust me, thinking I was cheating while he was working.. he looked through my phone every night after work, and always hid his phone in the vehicle, never used t around me and Everytime I asked he woul get pissed off, so then he started drinking, started beating me, punching and biting and pushing me down the stairs, but i stayed.. because he would make up stories and tell all my fam and friends stories that I cheat and do drugs, I don't.. he just needed a reason for everyone to hate me, he told me he was all I had, that nobody would ever love someone like me as much as he did.. that I was a slut and wouldn't have all the nice clothes if it weren't for him.. then the worst day came, he got drunk after finding out all his hard earned money went to bills and he only had 300$ in his bank on payday for food and gas to work.. well anyways.. he got drunk before my baby and I woke up, he was already yelling at us mocking me for crying and then threatened to kill our son and himself so I'll have nobody if I left him, he said if I left he would crash his car in my mom's house and smash all their heads in, break our sons neck, beat me In the stomach (I'm 16 weeks pregnant) and shoot himself, so I'll be alone.. so he went to his car to grab whatever after numerous threats and yelling and breaking things I the house, I took that chance to run.. it's winter so my son was only in a shirt and diaper and I had no shoes or jacket on either, I just ran, waving down vehicles, til i spotted my sister and her bf and my step dad looking all over for me (I wrote a FB status for someone to call the cops while he was using the bathroom) he came driving after us and almost fought with my step dad, but they were just keeping him away because he was tryna charge after me and baby, then a lady stopped her vehicle let me and baby in and took us to my mom's and called the cops for us, charges were pressed and a EPO, so he can't come near us now.. so that's why I decided to give my unborn child up for adoption, I found a wonderful woman already who can't have children and has previously adopted a young boy at age 3 and her husband and her can't wait, I spoke with my family members about t and they totally support me (I was so close to getting an abortion) I just felt like my focus should be on my son, his dad just tried to kill him and he had to see and hear all that, I just need to love my son up more, focus o him and his mental health and happines, make sure he's okay... So that's my story, and I'm totally okay with my decision because what we are dealing with right now is too much for us.. thanks for reading and if your gonna judge me then just save your breath.. hagn