I need to vent about my health


Ok so since I turned 20 last November my body changed so much. I know they say when you get out of your teens some things change but something is not right. I got so tired like completely drained energy almost all the time. I did have a very stressful thing happen to me in January so maybe that was part of it? Idk, but in March I got a cold and it was like a little one just a fever one day and a little sinus thing but it was fine after less than a week. Then the next week I started coughing but I didn’t feel sick or any other symptoms, but my grandma was feeling sick so I took her to urgent care (this was like 5 days after the cough started) since I was taking her I decided to get checked up too because that morning I actually did start to feel like maybe I had the flu. The doctor barely checked us he was such a dumbass he just listen to us breathing and looked at our faces and said we both have the flu. He didn’t actually test us for the flu or do a chest X-ray (which they have at that urgent care) so he just gave us a prescription for tamiflu. So at that time everyone in my city had the flu it was so hard to find it, my regular pharmacy didn’t have it so I spent all day driving to pharmacies (I called ahead but they would go so fast by the time I’d get to one they’d be out). Every hour I started to feel worse, like I could feel my body shutting down. By the night I felt like I was dying. So my dad had the next week off from work so he said he’d take care of me. Everyday was hell, I could not function I’ve had the flu before and I know how bad it could feel but I thought maybe this time it’s just really bad cause I waited so long to get checked 🤷🏽‍♀️. My dad is stupidly positive so he kept saying “you’re not getting worse everyday you are getting better even if you don’t feel it, let the medicine do it’s job” 🙄 so on the first day after going to urgent care, it was horrible everything hurt and I had a really sharp pain in my rib and back and I was so weak and tired I couldn’t do anything I couldn’t even hold my phone or enjoy anything. The second day I was extremely nauseous and threw up like the exorcist girl all over my bed and I peed and shit myself at the same time, lmao. I couldn’t even stand but obviously had to take a shower but because of my grandma we have one of those old lady bars in the shower 🙌🏽 so that helped. That day I told my parents to prepare cause I was dying and they were all like “lol Jenny your so negative” dumb assholes I blame them for everything. On the third day still dying but still hanging in there, I was actually hungry on the third day and made the mistake of having a couples slices of pizza then immediately threw up. On the fourth day at like 8am my mom came to my room to say bye before she left for work and she came in and was like “holy shit are you okay?” At this point I was actually dying for real I said this is not normal I need to go to the hospital. My dad took me to the emergency room, I had to take a vomit bucket with me and every time I coughed I farted lol I was just a fucking mess. When the doctor came in she asked what’s going on and I said “I’m dying” and she was like “🙄 bitch calm down” so they did the flu test and a chest X-ray and some other tests and she said I didn’t have the flu I had fucking pneumonia! I’m a generally healthy 20 year old germaphobic clean freak and I had pneumonia?!?!!?? (Also turns out my grandma didn’t have the flu either she had bronchitis, that urgent care doctor was trash and we are suing him.) So she said no wonder you felt like you were dying, cause I literally was! It was all in my lungs that’s why my rib was hurting, so I got admitted and they just didn’t think I was gonna make it. They were talking about plans that they could arrange for me and I was like wtf this is how it ends? I spend ten years being depressed and suicidal but now when I’ve gotten my shit together I’m gonna die of an old person sickness? Tf bitch? So it had spread everywhere and all my organs were shutting down including my fucking heart. They had to treat it so strongly that the medicine cause me to have kidney failure. I was in the hospital for a week and everyday was worse then the last 2 days they said things finally started to improve and that I was probably not gonna die so that’s great... I guess. My doctor still had to monitor my kidneys for a couple months but the recovery from pneumonia was insane. The most I could be awake was like four hours a day, i had to miss work for over a month. Anyways once the weather got better I started feeling more alive. I still didn’t feel the same anymore but June and July was pretty good I got to go to California and get some fucking sunshine ☀️ and I felt so much more energized there. Then I came back and things were just bleh. Now that it’s cold and ugly in Michigan again I got sick and I went to the doctor and got antibiotics and they didn’t work I’ve been sick for a fucking month????? What the fuck?! My doctors been monitoring my white blood cells and noticed that even when I’m not sick or don’t have an infection that my white blood cell is always high and this year it keep increasing, so she thinks I might have some autoimmune condition. So I have to see a blood specialist next week and if they can’t find the answer I have to get my bone marrow tested 😬. I’m scared but I want to find some fucking answers I’m sick of being sick, I’m sick of having zero energy all the time. Sorry this rant was so long, thank you to anyone that actually read this whole thing ❤️ Is there any of you who have an autoimmune condition? How did you find out?