Custody and visitation


A little background;

My husband is a cheater and narcissist, he was mentally and physically abusive for most of our relationship (2013-2018). I finally had the courage and the means to remove myself and my son from the situation in June of 2018.

From June 2018- until December 2018 my husband didn’t see our son, I would reach out and he wouldn’t respond so I stopped trying. Then court proceedings began for child support.

Once the judge ordered him to pay support, the family court judge also ordered that he must take his son on Saturday’s 12-4. So 16 hours a month, that’s not much to ask for right? The judge also stated if he asked for any extra time and I wanted to allow it I could let him go. Well, from December 2018 until Father’s Day June 2019, he never asked for him extra time, never asked for his birthday, holidays, time off from school, weekends. Nothing! He also doesn’t have a job and hasn’t paid a dime in support.

Well come Father’s Day June 2019 he says, can I have him? I politely told him no, that I didn’t agree. If he wasn’t good enough to see any random day during the week then he’s not good enough to see Father’s Day to plaster all over social media.

So here we are November 2019, he just got back from his visit with his father at 4pm and said mom, dad is going to email you and ask if I can stay the night Monday night. (My son will be 6 in May) I said okay, we will see if he contacts me.

I have yet to receive an email, BUT if I do receive one I am more than willing to allow him to go, as I know he’s asking for Monday since he knows I won’t allow him to go on thanksgiving itself since he hasn’t tried a lick to see him any other day but his court ordered Saturday.

My only thing is, which is where you ladies come in, what age do you think is to old to sleep in bed with adults?

My husband and his girlfriend have a two bedroom apartment, their bedroom and their roommates, would you be comfortable allowing your almost 6 year old to sleep in bed with them or would you state in the responding email he is be in his own space, whether it be the couch or air mattress ?

Thanks in advance!!