Bad night

I had a horrible night with my little one last night. She was up at 12:30 screaming and wouldn't go back to sleep. I tried everything! I'm sick so I was getting a little frustrated as any normal human would. So by 3 o'clock I was at my breaking point and as I walked out of the room to go make her a bottle I said "sometimes I miss not being a mom" I was tired and sick and have had a tough week. I got back into the room and my husband said "what's wrong with you why would you say that?" I said I just mean I miss being able to get rest when I'm sick. He said that I said I regret having my daughter. That is the furthest thing from the truth. It really hurt me that he would say that and think that I meant it that way. I love my daughter more than anything but we are only human and I hit my breaking point. I would die for my child she is the best thing to ever happen to me and I don't know how he could think otherwise. As if my week couldn't get any worse he made me feel like a bad mother.