I need to rant, vent, scream

Alright guys this is gonna be long but I need to get it off my chest.

Since the beginning of this year, I have been in Basic training. I got out June and moved in with the man I love more than anything. Rn im saying that ironically because I wish I didn't. Anyway, we moved into a cute little trailer and we live close to his family.

Things were GREAT and I mean amazing. We joked all the time. Had fun in bed, talked and made fun of each other. Now I had a job but he wanted me to to quit it for school and because i only worked like 9 hours a week.

Fast forward to September, we broke up. Out of the blue but I had a feeling before it happened. Happened over text. How adult like.

Now, we have lived together after the breakup. He goes through my phone still and I havent cared because Ive been trying to prove to him I still love him and want to work things out. Well today, I looked through his snapchat and found out he is talking to his ex.

Now. Normally I wouldnt care BUT he gets mad if I talk to another guy and swore up and down he was done with her.

Im just stressed yall. Im 35 days late and all tests were negative

Last one I took was 3 weeks ago maybe longer idk. Im just stressed and tired. So damn tired