Leaving my abusive husband

Leaving my abusive husband

I've been with my son's father since March 2018, we have a 10 month old son together. We are legally married and he is in the air force. He is controlling, mentally/emotionally abusive and borderline sexually abusive. We’ve gone to therapy together and she’s told him what he does is abusive. I finally got a job and almost have a car (just need to get the tags) and finally have a place to go so we can leave him. I have videos/screenshots/audio of him yelling and all that. My question is, can he legally do anything if I leave with our son? We’re moving to my friend’s apartment in the same city, she lives in a 2 bedroom (were getting a room) with her boyfriend and 2 kids (age 2 and 3-4 months)

I’m scared he will call the police or cps or something and get my son taken from me because the last time I told him I was leaving he threatened to call the police and get custody

I just got a job in September and have worked part time til now so he’s still paid the majority for our son-I’ll begin full time next week