Would this annoy you?

So literally the night before my in laws called my husband asking if he could go over to help them with their living room ( its currently getting all redone new floors, paint, knocking down walls) my husband also had to work over time that day and they still kept wanting him to go over so he did. I always encourage him to visit his family and go as well because i have a really close relationship but this time stayed home because our son is only a month old and i don't want him around the dust and everything is just out of place soo now what is annoying me is i found out why his parents wanted him there soo bad its because they got my husband paying for the supplies! The only reason i found out was because i get alerts when our card is used he didn't tell me anything then i noticed over 100$ was spent so i called him saying hey idk whats up but alot of money is getting used i was just concerned and thats when he says oh yeah that was me my parents don't have the money for the supplies so i paid for it. It really annoyed me because its from the account WE SHARE not once did he ask me or at least mention it and second why are we paying for something THEY CHOSE TO DO! We don't even live in that house! But just the other day my husband said i need to cut back on my christmas shopping ladies i only spent 60$! And that was because the man child was tired of walking around shopping so i had to finish early would this upset you? This isn't the first time he's given them money for their stupid living room😠 oh and not to mention he basically rushed over for nothing his dad didn't feel like doing anything so they just bought beer and are barely getting things done this morning also to add i haven't spent time with my husband hes been busy doing over time and had planned to cook a nice dinner and now he says he doesnt know when he will be done i should just enjoy it myself .